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100-1 Roulette


100-1 Roulette is a game exclusive to Draft Kings, as far as I know. It plays like conventional roulette, but on a wheel with 105 spots the ball can land in.

100-1 roulette wheel


  1. The game is played on a wheel containing each number from 1 to 100 as well as symbols for circle, diamond, triangle, star, and square.
  2. The following bets are available and what they pay. Wins are on a "to one" basis.
    • Individual number of symbol — 100-1.
    • Neighbors (two numbers) — 49-1
    • Hat (three numbers) — 32-1
    • Corner (four numbers) — 24-1
    • First column (all five shapes) — 19-1
    • Row or column (ten numbers) — 9 to 1
    • First two columns (five shapes and ten numbers) — 11-2
    • Two rows/columns (20 numbers) — 4-1
    • Odd/Even/Red/Black (50 numbers) — 1-1
100-1 roulette layout


The following table shows the probability and expected value of all available types of bets. The expected value column shows the best bet is on any single number with a house edge of 3.81% and the worst is the bet on the first two columns (all five shapes and numbers 1 to 10) at a house edge of 7.14%.

Expected Value Table

Bet Pays Winning Numbers Probability Return
Single number 100 1 0.009524 -0.038095
Two numbers 49 2 0.019048 -0.047619
Three numbers 32 3 0.028571 -0.057143
Four numbers 24 4 0.038095 -0.047619
Five numbers 19 5 0.047619 -0.047619
Ten numbers 9 10 0.095238 -0.047619
Fifteen numbers 5.5 15 0.142857 -0.071429
Twenty numbers 4 20 0.190476 -0.047619
Red/black/odd/even 1 50 0.476190 -0.047619


With the lowest house edge on any one number or shape, bet directly on single numbers and shapes only. Remember, you can break up a bet on anything by breaking up the bet into bets on each individual winning outcome.

For example, suppose you want to bet $50 on red. If you do and win, you'll win $50. However, if you make $1 bets on every red number, you'll have a net win of $51.

External Links

Play 100-1 roulette for fun at Draft Kings.