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Double Twist Blackjack



Double Twist Blackjack is a game I noticed at the Stratosphere in Las Vegas on February 2, 2016. It bills itself as a new game concept, but it is really just blackjack with an optional side bet. For this reason, I am classifying it as a side bet rather than a unique game.


  1. The game is based on conventional blackjack rules.
  2. There are two betting spots per player.
  3. The player may make a side wager on each betting spot.
  4. The side wager pays based on the player's initial two cards and the dealer's up card.
  5. The pay table is shown below. I presume that the player is paid based on the highest win only.

Double Twist Pay Table

Event Pays
Three-card royal 50 to 1
Suited three of a kind 35 to 1
Straight flush 30 to 1
Three of a kind 20 to 1
Straight 4 to 1
Flush 3 to 1
Pair 1 to 1



The following tables show the probability and contribution to the return for 4, 5, 6, and 8 decks.

Double Twist Return Table — Four Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Three-card royal 50 256 0.000173 0.008659
Suited three of a kind 35 208 0.000141 0.004925
Straight flush 30 2,816 0.001905 0.057148
Three of a kind 20 7,072 0.004784 0.095680
Straight 4 46,080 0.031172 0.124687
Flush 3 85,120 0.057581 0.172744
Pair 1 284,544 0.192486 0.192486
Loser -1 1,052,160 0.711758 -0.711758
Total   1,478,256 1.000000 -0.055427

Double Twist Return Table — Five Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Three-card royal 50 500 0.000173 0.008634
Suited three of a kind 35 520 0.000180 0.006285
Straight flush 30 5,500 0.001899 0.056983
Three of a kind 20 14,300 0.004938 0.098770
Straight 4 90,000 0.031081 0.124326
Flush 3 168,200 0.058088 0.174263
Pair 1 561,600 0.193948 0.193948
Loser -1 2,055,000 0.709693 -0.709693
Total   2,895,620 1.000000 -0.046484

Double Twist Return Table — Six Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Three-card royal 50 864 0.000172 0.008617
Suited three of a kind 35 1,040 0.000207 0.007261
Straight flush 30 9,504 0.001896 0.056872
Three of a kind 20 25,272 0.005041 0.100819
Straight 4 155,520 0.031021 0.124085
Flush 3 292,896 0.058424 0.175271
Pair 1 977,184 0.194918 0.194918
Loser -1 3,551,040 0.708321 -0.708321
Total   5,013,320 1.000000 -0.040478

Double Twist Return Table — Eight Decks

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Three-card royal 50 2,048 0.000172 0.008596
Suited three of a kind 35 2,912 0.000244 0.008556
Straight flush 30 22,528 0.001891 0.056735
Three of a kind 20 61,568 0.005169 0.103370
Straight 4 368,640 0.030947 0.123786
Flush 3 700,928 0.058841 0.176524
Pair 1 2,336,256 0.196124 0.196124
Loser -1 8,417,280 0.706612 -0.706612
Total   11,912,160 1.000000 -0.032921

The following table summarizes the house edge by number of decks.

Double Twist Pay Table

Decks House Edge
4 5.54%
5 4.65%
6 4.05%
8 3.29%

Internal Links

Blackjack side bets — Long list of them analyzed.