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Top-Bottom Keno — Odds


Top-bottom keno pays according to how many balls fall into a half (top or bottom) chosen by the player. Pay table can vary, as always with keno. The return table below, based on a game I found in Las Vegas, shows a return of 94.32%.


Top Bottom Keno

Catches Pays Combinations Probability Return
20 12500 137846528820 0.00000004 0.00048739
19 5000 5251296336000 0.00000149 0.00742691
18 558 88436604204000 0.00002502 0.01395848
17 180 876675902544001 0.00024798 0.0446358
16 32 5744053569793500 0.00162476 0.05199244
15 12 26468598849608400 0.00748691 0.08984294
14 3 89077015359259200 0.02519634 0.07558901
13 2 224342112756653000 0.06345744 0.12691488
12 1 429655207020554000 0.12153233 0.12153233
11 0 632136396535987000 0.17880619 0
10 0 718528370729238000 0.20324303 0
9 0 632136396535987000 0.17880619 0
8 0 429655207020554000 0.12153233 0
7 2 224342112756653000 0.06345744 0.12691488
6 3 89077015359259200 0.02519634 0.07558901
5 12 26468598849608400 0.00748691 0.08984294
4 32 5744053569793500 0.00162476 0.05199244
3 180 876675902544001 0.00024798 0.0446358
2 558 88436604204000 0.00002502 0.01395848
1 5000 5251296336000 0.00000149 0.00742691
0 12500 137846528820 0.00000004 0.00048739
Total   3535316142212170000 1 0.94322802


  • Keno Main keno section.
  • Keno appendix 1 features ananalysis of the top/bottom/left/right as as well as edgetickets as played at the Las Vegas Hilton.
  • Keno appendix 2 features ananalysis of Caveman Keno as played on IGT's Game King.
  • Keno appendix 3 probabilitiesand returns for basic keno at the Atlantic CityTropicana.
  • Keno appendix 4 progressivekeno at the Orleans. Learn when the meter is high enough tohave a positive expectation.
  • Keno appendix 5 Nevadanumbers, a progressive lottery game at some of the NevadaPark Place casinos.
  • Keno appendix 6 Australian Power Keno.