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8/5 Triple Bonus for Quick Quads
The following strategy is for 8/5 Triple Bonus Quick Quads. The following return table shows that with optimal strategy the return is 99.87%.
Quick Quads — "8/5" Triple Bonus
Event | Pays | Combinations | Probability | Return |
Royal flush | 800 | 504017940 | 0.000025 | 0.016857 |
Straight flush | 100 | 2365418856 | 0.000119 | 0.009889 |
Four aces | 240 | 4524385524 | 0.000227 | 0.045395 |
Four 2-4 | 120 | 8634092292 | 0.000433 | 0.043315 |
Four 5-K | 50 | 27974079828 | 0.001403 | 0.058475 |
Quick quads (2-4) | 120 | 17702690184 | 0.000888 | 0.08881 |
Quick quads (5-10) | 50 | 68964537480 | 0.00346 | 0.144157 |
Full house | 8 | 185443611660 | 0.009303 | 0.062022 |
Flush | 5 | 205240266984 | 0.010296 | 0.042902 |
Straight | 4 | 235581271812 | 0.011819 | 0.039395 |
Three of a kind | 3 | 1376903008512 | 0.069076 | 0.172689 |
Two pair | 1 | 2440209901752 | 0.122419 | 0.102016 |
Jacks or better | 1 | 4133837770020 | 0.207384 | 0.17282 |
Nothing | 0 | 11225345464356 | 0.563147 | 0 |
Total | 19933230517200 | 1 | 0.998742 |
The strategy below is more than 99.9979% accurate; meaning the cost due to errors is 0.0021%. To use the strategy, look up all viable ways to play the hand, and go with the one listed first. If a play is not listed, that means there is always a better alternative, and it should never be played. For example, if the player has 2 J
there are three viable plays: the pair of jacks, three to a royal, or four to a flush. Playing a four to a flush depends on the number of high cards. A four to a flush with three cards is not listed (because three to a royal is always better), and thus should never be played. Between three to a royal and a pair of queens, the best play depends on the which cards are in the three to a royal. In this case, a JQA three to a royal is listed below a pair of jacks, thus the better play is holding the jacks.
- Royal flush
- Four of a kind (regular or Quick Quads)
- Straight flush
- 4 to a royal flush
- Three of a kind with a kicker:
- 2's with an Ace
- 3's with any A,2
- 4's with any A,2,3
- 5's with any A,2,3,4
- 6's with any A,2,3,4,5
- 7's with any A,2,3,4,5,6
- 8's with any A,2,3,5,6,7
- 9's with any A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
- 10's with any A,2,3,4,6,7,8,9
- Three of a kind - Aces, 2's, 3's, 4's, 9's, 10's
- Full house
- Three of a kind - 5's through 8's, J's, Q's, K's
- Two pair - AA22, 2244, 3366, 4488, 55TT
- 4 to a straight flush, no gap (2345 to 9TJQ)
- One pair with two kickers - 3's with A2; or 4's with A3
- Flush
- Straight
- 4 to a straight flush, 1 gap (includes A234)
- One pair with two kickers:
- 5's with A4/23
- 6's with A5/24
- 7's with A6/25/34
- 8's with A7/26/35
- 9's with A8/27/36/45
- 10's with A9/28/37/46
- One pair - aces
- Two pair
- 3 to a royal flush - TJQ, JQK
- One pair with a kicker - 3's with any A,2; or 4's with any A,3
- One pair - JJ, QQ, KK
- 3 to a royal flush - TJK, TJA, TQK, TQA, TKA, JQA, JKA, QKA
- One pair with a kicker - 2's with an Ace; or 4's with a 2
- One pair - 33, 44
- 4 to a flush with 2 high cards
- One pair - 22, 99, TT
- 4 to a flush with 1 high card
- One pair - 77, 88
- 4 to a flush with no high cards
- One pair - 55, 66
- Unsuited TJQK
- Suited A23, A34
- Unsuited 9TJQ
- Suited 9TJ, 9JQ
- Unsuited 2345, 3456, 4567, 5678, 6789, 789T, 89TJ
- Suited A45, 235, 345, 456, 567, 678, 789, 89T, 89J, 8TJ, 8JQ, 9TQ, 9JK, 9QK
- Unsuited JQKA
- Suited JQ
- Suited 234, 245, 346, 356, 457, 467, 568, 578, 679, 689, 78T, 79T
- Unsuited A23, A34
- Suited JK, QK
- Suited 246, 347
- Unsuited 9JQK, TJQA, TJKA, TQKA
- Suited JA, QA, KA
- Suited A24, A25, A35, 78J, 79J, 7TJ, 89Q, 8TQ, 9TK
- 3 to a flush with 1 high card, Quick Quads possible - suited A56, A67, A78, A89, A9T
- Ace
- Unsuited JQK
- Unsuited 89JQ, 8TJQ, 9TJK, 9TQK
- Unsuited JQ
- Suited TJ
- Unsuited JK, QK
- Suited TQ, TK
- Jack, Queen or King
- Suited 236, 256, 357, 367, 458, 468, 478, 569, 579, 589, 67T, 68T, 69T
- 3 to a flush with no high cards, Quick Quads possible - suited 257, 268, 279, 28T, 358, 369, 37T, 459, 46T
- Suited 34
- Suited 23
- Discard everything
Other Quick Quads Pages
- Main Quick Quads page
- Strategy for 8/5 Bonus Poker Quick Quads
- Strategy for 9/7 Double Bonus Quick Quads
- Strategy for 9/6 Double Double Bonus Quick Quads
- Strategy for 8/5 Triple Bonus Quick Quads
All credit for this strategy belongs to "JB," who I thank for his outstanding work.