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Double Bonus


Double Bonus

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 414860472 0.000021 0.016650
Straight flush 50 2254539360 0.000113 0.005655
4 aces 160 3962537892 0.000199 0.031806
4 2-4 80 10446264684 0.000524 0.041925
4 5-K 50 32045992176 0.001608 0.080383
Full house 10 223050658608 0.011190 0.111899
Flush 7 298068519408 0.014953 0.104673
Straight 5 299385345432 0.015019 0.075097
3 of a kind 3 1439168246364 0.072199 0.216598
Two pair 1 2484844034580 0.124658 0.124658
Jacks or better 1 3834735881328 0.192379 0.192379
Nothing 0 11304853636896 0.567136 0.000000
Total   19933230517200 1.000000 1.001725

The next pay table is a short pay version of true 10/7 double bonus. It pays 239, instead of 250, for a straight flush or four 5-K, with five coins bet. The reason for 239 is to keep the win under $1200, thus avoiding a W2-G form, for a $5 bet ($5 × 239 = $1195).

Double Bonus — 239-10-7-5

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 414897108 0.000021 0.003330
Straight flush 47.8 2251030044 0.000113 0.001080
4 aces 160 3962735004 0.000199 0.006362
4 2-4 80 10446293580 0.000524 0.008385
4 5-K 47.8 32046819840 0.001608 0.015370
Full house 10 223056612216 0.011190 0.022380
Flush 7 297927254088 0.014946 0.020925
Straight 5 299358052128 0.015018 0.015018
3 of a kind 3 1439222046588 0.072202 0.043321
Two pair 1 2484935892900 0.124663 0.024933
Jacks or better 1 3835616182488 0.192423 0.038485
Nothing 0 11303992701216 0.567093 0.000000
Total   19933230517200 1.000000 0.997940


Double Bonus — Microgaming "All Aces" Pay Table

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 509641656 0.000026 0.020454
Straight flush 60 2060183136 0.000103 0.006201
4 aces 400 4733652936 0.000237 0.094990
4 2-4 100 10801068864 0.000542 0.054186
4 5-K 50 32507032500 0.001631 0.081540
Full house 7 210553126956 0.010563 0.073940
Flush 5 216788152068 0.010876 0.054379
Straight 4 252520338408 0.012668 0.050673
3 of a kind 3 1509206036580 0.075713 0.227139
Two pair 1 2458035568692 0.123313 0.123313
Jacks or better 1 4233392465364 0.212379 0.212379
Nothing 0 11002123250040 0.551949 0.000000
Total   19933230517200 1.000000 0.999195

9/7/5 (55 SF)

Hand Payoff Combinations Probability Return
Royal Flush 800 414806040 0.000021 0.016648
Straight Flush 55 2270876616 0.000114 0.006266
Four Aces 160 4364616444 0.000219 0.035034
Four 2s, 3s, 4s 80 10446018036 0.000524 0.041924
Four 5s thru Ks 50 31968135000 0.001604 0.080188
Full House 9 211865093496 0.010629 0.095659
Flush 7 303987031164 0.015250 0.106752
Straight 5 298782339600 0.014989 0.074946
Three of a Kind 3 1452572202288 0.072872 0.218616
Two Pair 1 2370681893376 0.118931 0.118931
Jacks or Better 1 3920261708844 0.196670 0.196670
All Other 0 11325615796296 0.568178 0.000000
Total 19933230517200 1 0.991632

Double Bonus — 10-6-5

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 40,412,459 0.000024 0.019463
Straight flush 50 179,623,039 0.000108 0.005407
4 aces 160 338,535,216 0.000204 0.032608
4 2-4 80 871,421,875 0.000525 0.041968
4 5-K 50 2,693,083,034 0.001621 0.081063
Full house 10 18,790,815,945 0.011312 0.113123
Flush 6 18,399,443,232 0.011077 0.066460
Straight 5 25,735,694,222 0.015493 0.077466
3 of a kind 3 121,714,864,335 0.073274 0.219821
Two pair 1 210,323,590,515 0.126617 0.126617
Jacks or better 1 340,277,061,027 0.204850 0.204850
Nothing 0 921,737,998,201 0.554895 0.000000
Total   1,661,102,543,100 1.000000 0.988845

Double Bonus — 9-7-5

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 414973476 0.000021 0.016655
Straight flush 50 2255533176 0.000113 0.005658
4 aces 160 4364665980 0.000219 0.035034
4 2-4 80 10446064476 0.000524 0.041924
4 5-K 50 31969127784 0.001604 0.080191
Full house 9 211872080016 0.010629 0.095662
Flush 7 303428337828 0.015222 0.106556
Straight 5 299409572148 0.015021 0.075103
3 of a kind 3 1452555860172 0.072871 0.218613
Two pair 1 2370561008868 0.118925 0.118925
Jacks or better 1 3921754413384 0.196745 0.196745
Nothing 0 11324198879892 0.568107 0.000000
Total   19933230517200 1.000000 0.991065


Double Bonus — 10-7-4

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 415056036 0.000021 0.016658
Straight flush 50 2218944648 0.000111 0.005566
4 aces 160 4039214460 0.000203 0.032422
4 2-4 80 10498216596 0.000527 0.042134
4 5-K 50 32227729440 0.001617 0.080839
Full house 10 224308148544 0.011253 0.112530
Flush 7 313750351776 0.015740 0.110180
Straight 4 241672261956 0.012124 0.048496
3 of a kind 3 1456375843260 0.073063 0.219188
Two pair 1 2515982686164 0.126221 0.126221
Jacks or better 1 3865084556004 0.193902 0.193902
Nothing 0 11266657508316 0.565220 0.000000
Total   19933230517200 1.000000 0.988135

The next table two pay tables are seen at some Real Time Gaming casinos, as evidenced by the 40 and 45 for four 5-K.

Double Bonus — Real Time Gaming — 45-10-7

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 414,855,312 0.000021 0.016650
Straight flush 50 2,255,375,280 0.000113 0.005657
4 aces 160 3,962,532,732 0.000199 0.031806
4 2-4 80 10,446,256,428 0.000524 0.041925
4 5-K 45 31,968,600,432 0.001604 0.072170
Full house 10 222,766,337,448 0.011176 0.111756
Flush 7 303,426,400,248 0.015222 0.106555
Straight 5 299,389,942,992 0.015020 0.075098
3 of a kind 3 1,435,976,704,836 0.072039 0.216118
Two pair 1 2,480,378,150,556 0.124434 0.124434
Jacks or better 1 3,817,662,237,000 0.191523 0.191523
Nothing 0 11,324,583,123,936 0.568126 0.000000
Total   19,933,230,517,200 1.000000 0.993693


Double Bonus — Real Time Gaming — 40-10-7

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 421997268 0.000021 0.016936
Straight flush 50 2263275240 0.000114 0.005677
4 aces 160 3962528604 0.000199 0.031806
4 2-4 80 10446248172 0.000524 0.041925
4 5-K 40 31946931528 0.001603 0.064108
Full house 10 222686377056 0.011172 0.111716
Flush 7 303764689332 0.015239 0.106674
Straight 5 299609247636 0.015031 0.075153
3 of a kind 3 1435131177948 0.071997 0.215991
Two pair 1 2479272534900 0.124379 0.124379
Jacks or better 1 3813441001992 0.191311 0.191311
Nothing 0 11330284507524 0.568412 0.000000
Total   19933230517200 1.000000 0.985676


Double Bonus — 9-6-5

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 487789056 0.000024 0.019577
Straight flush 50 2165349096 0.000109 0.005432
4 aces 160 4466814888 0.000224 0.035854
4 2-4 80 10457017608 0.000525 0.041968
4 5-K 50 32300428680 0.001620 0.081022
Full house 9 214539309000 0.010763 0.096866
Flush 6 221014834488 0.011088 0.066527
Straight 5 309160021656 0.015510 0.077549
3 of a kind 3 1476556719144 0.074075 0.222225
Two pair 1 2413232992008 0.121066 0.121066
Jacks or better 1 4185522624204 0.209977 0.209977
Nothing 0 11063326617372 0.555019 0.000000
Total   19933230517200 1.000000 0.978062


"9/7/4" Double Bonus Poker

Hand Payoff Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 413867688 0.000021 0.016610
Straight flush 50 2232034020 0.000112 0.005599
4 aces 160 4441388988 0.000223 0.035650
4 2-4 80 10498090176 0.000527 0.042133
4 5-K 50 32135330352 0.001612 0.080607
Full house 9 213057341820 0.010689 0.096197
Flush 7 320272860612 0.016067 0.112471
Straight 4 241728444036 0.012127 0.048508
3 of a kind 3 1469056216632 0.073699 0.221097
Two pair 1 2400595294032 0.120432 0.120432
Jacks or better 1 3948977638908 0.198110 0.198110
Nothing 0 11289822009936 0.566382 0.000000
Total   19933230517200 1.000000 0.977414


"10/6/4" Double Bonus Poker

Hand Payoff Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 40,521,851 0.000024 0.019516
Straight flush 50 182,159,609 0.000110 0.005483
4 aces 160 343,296,950 0.000207 0.033067
4 2-4 80 875,630,543 0.000527 0.042171
4 5-K 50 2,711,689,306 0.001632 0.081623
Full house 10 18,917,727,951 0.011389 0.113887
Flush 6 18,675,652,055 0.011243 0.067458
Straight 4 21,350,204,632 0.012853 0.051412
3 of a kind 3 123,301,382,273 0.074229 0.222686
Two pair 1 213,263,083,845 0.128386 0.128386
Jacks or better 1 347,044,665,606 0.208924 0.208924
Nothing 0 914,396,528,479 0.550476 0.000000
Total   1,661,102,543,100 1.000000 0.974613


"9/6/4" Double Bonus Poker

Hand Payoff Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 486092448 0.000024 0.019509
Straight flush 50 2186338944 0.000110 0.005484
4 aces 160 4523921640 0.000227 0.036313
4 2-4 80 10507554132 0.000527 0.042171
4 5-K 50 32529696768 0.001632 0.081597
Full house 9 216061189596 0.010839 0.097553
Flush 6 225141936648 0.011295 0.067769
Straight 4 256664314800 0.012876 0.051505
3 of a kind 3 1495629031164 0.075032 0.225096
Two pair 1 2448213778044 0.122821 0.122821
Jacks or better 1 4264457956920 0.213937 0.213937
Nothing 0 10976828706096 0.550680 0.000000
Total   19933230517200 1.000000 0.963754


"8/6" Double Bonus — 96.73%

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 40,622,385 0.000024 0.019564
Straight flush 50 180,618,145 0.000109 0.005437
4 aces 160 371,376,767 0.000224 0.035772
4 2-4 80 871,360,600 0.000525 0.041965
4 5-K 50 2,691,672,849 0.001620 0.081021
Full house 8 17,875,259,472 0.010761 0.086089
Flush 6 18,413,461,490 0.011085 0.066511
Straight 5 25,776,551,274 0.015518 0.077589
3 of a kind 3 123,012,684,186 0.074055 0.222165
Two pair 1 201,063,984,318 0.121042 0.121042
Jacks or better 1 349,075,108,707 0.210147 0.210147
Nothing 0 921,729,842,907 0.554890 0.000000
Total   1,661,102,543,100 1.000000 0.967300


Double Bonus — 9-5-4

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 493786008 0.000025 0.019818
Straight flush 50 2147840184 0.000108 0.005388
4 aces 160 4497593772 0.000226 0.036101
4 2-4 80 10506428736 0.000527 0.042166
4 5-K 50 32573173380 0.001634 0.081706
Full house 9 216135925488 0.010843 0.097587
Flush 5 217725259668 0.010923 0.054614
Straight 4 260547004272 0.013071 0.052284
3 of a kind 3 1496165498304 0.075059 0.225177
Two pair 1 2448765638496 0.122848 0.122848
Jacks or better 1 4286640939336 0.215050 0.215050
Nothing 0 10957031429556 0.549687 0.000000
Total   19933230517200 1.000000 0.952738


Double Bonus — 8-5-4

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 492841212 0.000025 0.019780
Straight flush 50 2151623496 0.000108 0.005397
4 aces 160 4465762764 0.000224 0.035846
4 2-4 80 10504984968 0.000527 0.042161
4 5-K 50 32577286932 0.001634 0.081716
Full house 8 216046602792 0.010839 0.086708
Flush 5 217352572992 0.010904 0.054520
Straight 4 260951101932 0.013091 0.052365
3 of a kind 3 1495170719448 0.075009 0.225027
Two pair 1 2447705942712 0.122795 0.122795
Jacks or better 1 4297254070680 0.215582 0.215582
Nothing 0 10948557007272 0.549262 0.000000
Total   19933230517200 1.000000 0.941897


Double Bonus — 7-5-4

Hand Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 498195744 0.000025 0.019995
Straight flush 50 2160043068 0.000108 0.005418
4 aces 160 4465354092 0.000224 0.035842
4 2-4 80 10504958136 0.000527 0.042161
4 5-K 50 32561148000 0.001634 0.081676
Full house 7 215984925828 0.010835 0.075848
Flush 5 217644536628 0.010919 0.054593
Straight 4 261147719604 0.013101 0.052404
3 of a kind 3 1494520991340 0.074976 0.224929
Two pair 1 2446850671164 0.122752 0.122752
Jacks or better 1 4294436393340 0.215441 0.215441
Nothing 0 10952455580256 0.549457 0.000000
Total   19933230517200 1.000000 0.931060

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