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Lucky Suit


Lucky Suit is a video poker variant that awards a multiplier if the first card dealt matches the "lucky suit." The multiplier depends on the rank of that first card.

I first saw the game at the 2021 Global Gaming Expo. It is made by King Show and distributed by IGT. The game should not be confused with Lucky Suit Poker, which uses a 65-card deck, including a suit of clovers.


The following are the rules for Lucky Suit.

  1. Lucky Suit is an optional feature added to conventional video poker. Any number of plays may be used.
  2. If the player bets 1 to 5 coins per play, then the game plays like conventional video poker.
  3. If the player bets 10 coins per play, then the Lucky Suit feature will be activated. Wins will be based on a five-coin bet per play and the 5 coins bet per play are a fee to pay for the feature.
  4. With the feature activated, a particular suit will be designated as the Lucky Suit. The player may accept the default or choose his own.
  5. If the first card dealt, in the left position, matches the suit of the Lucky Suit, then the player will be awarded a multiplier. The multiplier will depend on the rank of that same card, as follows:
    • Ace = 12x
    • King = 10x
    • Queen = 8x
    • Jack = 6x
    • 10 = 5x
    • 2-9 = 2x-4x
    • The multiplier is not lost if the player discards the card that earned it.
  6. The rest of the game plays out as in conventional video poker.

I asked the game makers, King Show Games, for the average multiplier when the rank is 2 to 9. They kindly told me that for 9-6 double double bonus, the average is 2.58.


lucky suit 1

In the image above, the Lucky Suit is spades. The first card dealt from the left is in spades, so I earn a multiplier. A six earns a multiplier from 2 to 4, which in this case is 4.

Lucky Suit 2

I hold the pair of sixes. Note that holding the six of spades is not required to keep the multiplier. One hand improves to a two pair and another to a three of a kind. Normally, these hands would win 10 and 15 credits respectively. However, with the 4x multiplier, my total win is 4×(10+15) = 100.


The following analysis is for 9-6 Double Double Bonus only.

To first analyze Lucky Suit Poker, one must find the expected value of the hand on the draw according to the rank of the first card on the deal.

The following table shows the number of combinations, probability, and contribution to the return when the first card on the deal is a 2.

First Card is a 2

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 90,895,812 0.000012 0.009485
Straight flush 50 619,210,020 0.000081 0.004038
Four aces + 2-4 400 269,515,956 0.000035 0.014062
Four 2-4 + A-4 160 2,937,920,928 0.000383 0.061313
Four aces + 5-K 160 796,784,112 0.000104 0.016629
Four 2-4 80 7,563,589,296 0.000987 0.078925
Four 5-K 50 6,778,832,868 0.000884 0.044210
Full house 9 85,533,540,264 0.011157 0.100409
Flush 6 88,949,053,008 0.011602 0.069613
Straight 4 65,122,221,432 0.008494 0.033977
Three of a kind 3 578,789,442,492 0.075495 0.226484
Two pair 1 966,550,769,604 0.126072 0.126072
Jacks or better 1 1,353,198,863,160 0.176505 0.176505
Nothing 0 4,509,426,483,048 0.588189 0.000000
Total   7,666,627,122,000 1.000000 0.961723

The following table shows the number of combinations, probability, and contribution to the return when the first card on the deal is a 3.

First Card is a 3

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 90,552,168 0.000012 0.009449
Straight flush 50 762,171,612 0.000099 0.004971
Four aces + 2-4 400 268,757,088 0.000035 0.014022
Four 2-4 + A-4 160 2,937,580,284 0.000383 0.061306
Four aces + 5-K 160 794,121,900 0.000104 0.016573
Four 2-4 80 7,562,541,900 0.000986 0.078914
Four 5-K 50 6,765,233,172 0.000882 0.044121
Full house 9 85,425,744,600 0.011143 0.100283
Flush 6 89,011,529,220 0.011610 0.069662
Straight 4 81,640,720,092 0.010649 0.042595
Three of a kind 3 577,312,431,360 0.075302 0.225906
Two pair 1 963,334,718,064 0.125653 0.125653
Jacks or better 1 1,338,187,631,904 0.174547 0.174547
Nothing 0 4,512,533,388,636 0.588594 0.000000
Total   7,666,627,122,000 1.000000 0.968002

The following table shows the number of combinations, probability, and contribution to the return when the first card on the deal is a 4.

First Card is a 4

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 90,217,308 0.000012 0.009414
Straight flush 50 904,693,404 0.000118 0.005900
Four aces + 2-4 400 267,961,152 0.000035 0.013981
Four 2-4 + A-4 160 2,937,185,556 0.000383 0.061298
Four aces + 5-K 160 791,535,972 0.000103 0.016519
Four 2-4 80 7,561,380,372 0.000986 0.078902
Four 5-K 50 6,753,005,004 0.000881 0.044042
Full house 9 85,325,723,208 0.011129 0.100165
Flush 6 89,074,535,628 0.011618 0.069711
Straight 4 97,712,251,752 0.012745 0.050981
Three of a kind 3 575,948,949,816 0.075124 0.225372
Two pair 1 960,377,248,440 0.125267 0.125267
Jacks or better 1 1,324,070,763,912 0.172706 0.172706
Nothing 0 4,514,811,670,476 0.588892 0.000000
Total   7,666,627,122,000 1.000000 0.974258

The following table shows the number of combinations, probability, and contribution to the return when the first card on the deal is a 5.

First Card is a 5

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 89,841,360 0.000012 0.009375
Straight flush 50 1,047,348,036 0.000137 0.006831
Four aces + 2-4 400 264,716,208 0.000035 0.013811
Four 2-4 + A-4 160 543,856,080 0.000071 0.011350
Four aces + 5-K 160 791,497,092 0.000103 0.016518
Four 2-4 80 1,572,368,280 0.000205 0.016407
Four 5-K 50 15,120,122,508 0.001972 0.098610
Full house 9 85,216,631,976 0.011115 0.100037
Flush 6 89,133,560,664 0.011626 0.069757
Straight 4 114,337,878,876 0.014914 0.059655
Three of a kind 3 574,450,574,628 0.074929 0.224786
Two pair 1 957,103,643,484 0.124840 0.124840
Jacks or better 1 1,308,789,544,464 0.170713 0.170713
Nothing 0 4,518,165,538,344 0.589329 0.000000
Total   7,666,627,122,000 1.000000 0.922691

The following table shows the number of combinations, probability, and contribution to the return when the first card on the deal is a 6.

First Card is a 6

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 89,888,472 0.000012 0.009380
Straight flush 50 1,025,054,640 0.000134 0.006685
Four aces + 2-4 400 266,000,136 0.000035 0.013878
Four 2-4 + A-4 160 543,198,372 0.000071 0.011336
Four aces + 5-K 160 796,216,824 0.000104 0.016617
Four 2-4 80 1,569,731,328 0.000205 0.016380
Four 5-K 50 15,114,122,976 0.001971 0.098571
Full house 9 85,189,084,308 0.011112 0.100005
Flush 6 88,190,662,608 0.011503 0.069019
Straight 4 117,457,295,448 0.015321 0.061282
Three of a kind 3 573,836,801,892 0.074849 0.224546
Two pair 1 955,479,500,388 0.124628 0.124628
Jacks or better 1 1,304,148,346,524 0.170107 0.170107
Nothing 0 4,522,921,218,084 0.589949 0.000000
Total   7,666,627,122,000 1.000000 0.922435

The following table shows the number of combinations, probability, and contribution to the return when the first card on the deal is a 7.

First Card is a 7

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 89,627,904 0.000012 0.009353
Straight flush 50 1,041,183,600 0.000136 0.006790
Four aces + 2-4 400 265,903,416 0.000035 0.013873
Four 2-4 + A-4 160 543,261,348 0.000071 0.011338
Four aces + 5-K 160 796,543,164 0.000104 0.016624
Four 2-4 80 1,570,322,124 0.000205 0.016386
Four 5-K 50 15,122,296,932 0.001972 0.098624
Full house 9 85,242,991,320 0.011119 0.100068
Flush 6 89,025,092,436 0.011612 0.069672
Straight 4 112,897,828,176 0.014726 0.058904
Three of a kind 3 574,785,475,656 0.074972 0.224917
Two pair 1 957,727,736,712 0.124922 0.124922
Jacks or better 1 1,310,727,988,764 0.170965 0.170965
Nothing 0 4,516,790,870,448 0.589150 0.000000
Total   7,666,627,122,000 1.000000 0.922436

The following table shows the number of combinations, probability, and contribution to the return when the first card on the deal is an 8.

First Card is an 8

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 87,142,236 0.000011 0.009093
Straight flush 50 1,045,791,972 0.000136 0.006820
Four aces + 2-4 400 266,307,492 0.000035 0.013894
Four 2-4 + A-4 160 543,539,196 0.000071 0.011343
Four aces + 5-K 160 797,844,468 0.000104 0.016651
Four 2-4 80 1,571,092,788 0.000205 0.016394
Four 5-K 50 15,084,530,892 0.001968 0.098378
Full house 9 85,081,146,948 0.011098 0.099878
Flush 6 89,544,303,372 0.011680 0.070079
Straight 4 117,106,277,472 0.015275 0.061099
Three of a kind 3 572,818,205,988 0.074716 0.224147
Two pair 1 954,136,729,476 0.124453 0.124453
Jacks or better 1 1,304,689,647,564 0.170178 0.170178
Nothing 0 4,523,854,562,136 0.590071 0.000000
Total   7,666,627,122,000 1.000000 0.922409

The following table shows the number of combinations, probability, and contribution to the return when the first card on the deal is a 9.

First Card is a 9

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 80,383,800 0.000010 0.008388
Straight flush 50 1,056,248,340 0.000138 0.006889
Four aces + 2-4 400 267,573,144 0.000035 0.013960
Four 2-4 + A-4 160 544,061,028 0.000071 0.011354
Four aces + 5-K 160 801,514,356 0.000105 0.016727
Four 2-4 80 1,572,368,184 0.000205 0.016407
Four 5-K 50 15,061,407,384 0.001965 0.098227
Full house 9 84,993,892,848 0.011086 0.099776
Flush 6 90,279,645,660 0.011776 0.070654
Straight 4 120,195,922,356 0.015678 0.062711
Three of a kind 3 571,576,935,012 0.074554 0.223662
Two pair 1 951,494,705,388 0.124109 0.124109
Jacks or better 1 1,299,918,475,908 0.169555 0.169555
Nothing 0 4,528,783,988,592 0.590714 0.000000
Total   7,666,627,122,000 1.000000 0.922420

The following table shows the number of combinations, probability, and contribution to the return when the first card on the deal is a 10.

First Card is a 10

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 338,219,964 0.000044 0.035293
Straight flush 50 987,746,520 0.000129 0.006442
Four aces + 2-4 400 264,429,852 0.000034 0.013796
Four 2-4 + A-4 160 542,705,112 0.000071 0.011326
Four aces + 5-K 160 789,299,424 0.000103 0.016472
Four 2-4 80 1,569,263,280 0.000205 0.016375
Four 5-K 50 14,926,887,732 0.001947 0.097350
Full house 9 84,393,345,384 0.011008 0.099071
Flush 6 91,011,116,256 0.011871 0.071226
Straight 4 125,236,158,108 0.016335 0.065341
Three of a kind 3 565,209,697,632 0.073723 0.221170
Two pair 1 942,579,347,184 0.122946 0.122946
Jacks or better 1 1,295,986,258,404 0.169043 0.169043
Nothing 0 4,542,792,647,148 0.592541 0.000000
Total   7,666,627,122,000 1.000000 0.945851

The following table shows the number of combinations, probability, and contribution to the return when the first card on the deal is a jack.

First Card is a Jack

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 354,853,200 0.000046 0.037028
Straight flush 50 840,840,060 0.000110 0.005484
Four aces + 2-4 400 243,724,860 0.000032 0.012716
Four 2-4 + A-4 160 536,700,888 0.000070 0.011201
Four aces + 5-K 160 736,236,540 0.000096 0.015365
Four 2-4 80 1,559,066,652 0.000203 0.016269
Four 5-K 50 15,074,856,408 0.001966 0.098315
Full house 9 84,767,283,396 0.011057 0.099510
Flush 6 81,359,200,920 0.010612 0.063673
Straight 4 109,730,979,492 0.014313 0.057251
Three of a kind 3 569,995,551,156 0.074348 0.223043
Two pair 1 953,108,911,188 0.124319 0.124319
Jacks or better 1 2,254,283,996,976 0.294039 0.294039
Nothing 0 3,594,034,920,264 0.468790 0.000000
Total   7,666,627,122,000 1.000000 1.058212

The following table shows the number of combinations, probability, and contribution to the return when the first card on the deal is a queen.

First Card is a Queen

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 354,320,688 0.000046 0.036973
Straight flush 50 677,998,200 0.000088 0.004422
Four aces + 2-4 400 245,031,372 0.000032 0.012784
Four 2-4 + A-4 160 536,971,788 0.000070 0.011206
Four aces + 5-K 160 740,284,560 0.000097 0.015449
Four 2-4 80 1,559,526,408 0.000203 0.016273
Four 5-K 50 15,111,591,480 0.001971 0.098554
Full house 9 84,960,961,416 0.011082 0.099737
Flush 6 80,645,331,432 0.010519 0.063114
Straight 4 91,921,570,248 0.011990 0.047959
Three of a kind 3 572,326,595,604 0.074652 0.223955
Two pair 1 957,275,907,372 0.124863 0.124863
Jacks or better 1 2,268,132,200,640 0.295845 0.295845
Nothing 0 3,592,138,830,792 0.468542 0.000000
Total   7,666,627,122,000 1.000000 1.051136

The following table shows the number of combinations, probability, and contribution to the return when the first card on the deal is a king.

First Card is a King

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 350,463,072 0.000046 0.036570
Straight flush 50 487,106,064 0.000064 0.003177
Four aces + 2-4 400 249,440,076 0.000033 0.013014
Four 2-4 + A-4 160 537,841,764 0.000070 0.011225
Four aces + 5-K 160 753,302,208 0.000098 0.015721
Four 2-4 80 1,559,586,780 0.000203 0.016274
Four 5-K 50 15,145,968,432 0.001976 0.098779
Full house 9 85,183,766,604 0.011111 0.099999
Flush 6 81,415,000,644 0.010619 0.063716
Straight 4 69,812,876,352 0.009106 0.036424
Three of a kind 3 575,236,059,540 0.075031 0.225094
Two pair 1 962,523,878,148 0.125547 0.125547
Jacks or better 1 2,278,278,507,816 0.297168 0.297168
Nothing 0 3,595,093,324,500 0.468928 0.000000
Total   7,666,627,122,000 1.000000 1.042708

The following table shows the number of combinations, probability, and contribution to the return when the first card on the deal is an ace.

First Card is an Ace

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 336,432,516 0.000044 0.035106
Straight flush 50 429,196,932 0.000056 0.002799
Four aces + 2-4 400 2,999,096,748 0.000391 0.156475
Four 2-4 + A-4 160 587,027,916 0.000077 0.012251
Four aces + 5-K 160 7,914,874,980 0.001032 0.165181
Four 2-4 80 1,521,383,688 0.000198 0.015875
Four 5-K 50 6,414,056,472 0.000837 0.041831
Full house 9 61,060,737,708 0.007964 0.071680
Flush 6 84,422,203,752 0.011012 0.066070
Straight 4 49,191,727,896 0.006416 0.025665
Three of a kind 3 619,099,100,844 0.080752 0.242257
Two pair 1 783,581,948,172 0.102207 0.102207
Jacks or better 1 2,421,286,565,184 0.315822 0.315822
Nothing 0 3,627,782,769,192 0.473191 0.000000
Total   7,666,627,122,000 1.000000 1.253221

The next table shows the expected value by the first card on the deal, the average multiplier, and the product of the expected value and multiplier. This table will be applicable when the first card matches the Lucky Suit only. The bottom right cell shows the average win is 4.95x the base bet amount.

Expected Value with Lucky Suit

2 0.961723 2.58 2.481244
3 0.968002 2.58 2.497446
4 0.974258 2.58 2.513585
5 0.922691 2.58 2.380542
6 0.922435 2.58 2.379883
7 0.922436 2.58 2.379885
8 0.922409 2.58 2.379815
9 0.922420 2.58 2.379844
10 0.945851 5 4.729255
J 1.058212 6 6.349272
Q 1.051136 8 8.409087
K 1.042708 10 10.427084
A 1.253221 12 15.038647
Average 0.989808 0 4.949661

When the player does not get the Lucky Suit, the expected value is the same as conventional 9-6 Double Double Bonus, as follows. The lower right cell shows an expected return of 98.98%.

Conventional 9-6 Double Double Bonus

Event Pays Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 800 488,567,700 0.000025 0.019608
Straight flush 50 2,184,917,880 0.000110 0.005481
Four aces + 2-4 400 1,227,691,500 0.000062 0.024636
Four 2-4 + A-4 160 2,854,370,052 0.000143 0.022911
Four aces + 5-K 160 3,460,011,120 0.000174 0.027773
Four 2-4 80 7,662,444,216 0.000384 0.030752
Four 5-K 50 32,494,582,452 0.001630 0.081509
Full house 9 216,474,969,996 0.010860 0.097740
Flush 6 226,412,247,120 0.011359 0.068151
Straight 4 254,472,741,540 0.012766 0.051065
Three of a kind 3 1,500,277,164,324 0.075265 0.225795
Two pair 1 2,453,055,008,724 0.123064 0.123064
Jacks or better 1 4,212,339,758,244 0.211322 0.211322
Nothing 0 11,019,826,042,332 0.552837 0.000000
Total   19,933,230,517,200 1.000000 0.989808

The final table summarizes the average win according to whether the player matched the Lucky Suit. The return column is the product of the probability of matching the Lucky Suit, average win, and 1/2. The reason for dividing by two is the player must double his bet to invoke the Lucky Suit Feature. The bottom right cell shows an expected return of 98.99%. Recall the expected return of 9-6 Double Double Bonus, without the feature, is 98.98%. So, invoking the feature increases the expected return by 0.01%.

Conventional 9-6 Double Double Bonus

Probability Average
Yes 0.25 4.949661 0.618708
No 0.75 0.989808 0.371178
Total 1.00   0.989886

In conclusion, I predict the game maker, King Show Games, likely sets the multipliers to attain an expected return with the feature slightly more than without it. This is largely based on industry norms in video poker.


The strategy is exactly the same as conventional video poker for the given game and pay table.