60’s Trivia part 1

Last Friday, I enjoyed celebrating the 60’s birthday of a friend of mine. If you do that math, anyone turning 60 now would have also been born in the 60’s. Part of my contribution to the party was to host a 1960’s trivia challenge. I had so many questions I decided to break them into two newsletters. This one shall be the first 2.

Apolo 11
Image source: Wikipedia


  1. 1. On November 15, 1964, who was quoted as saying “Don’t trust anyone over the age of 30” in the San Francisco Chronicle?
  2. 2. Which car from the 1960’s car did Ralph Nader claim was “unsafe at any speed”?
  3. 3. Including tape and DVD sales, what was the highest grossing movie of the 1960’s?
  4. 4. In 1962, Burundi gained independence from which country?
  5. 5. In 1961, who became the first man in space?
  6. 6. In 1965, which Pope was the first to visit the United States?
  7. 7. Which two actors played the role of Darrin in Bewitched?
  8. 8. Which seven countries gained independence from France in the 1960’s?
  9. 9. In 1968, who assassinated Robert Kenedy and in what city?
  10. 10. Which mission successfully landed men on the moon for the first time and name all three astronauts in the crew?
  11. 11. In 1961, at what club in Liverpool would you find the Beatles on a regular basis?
  12. 12. The sinking of which US Destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin set off the Vietnam War?
  13. 13. What was Coca-Cola’s first diet soda called?
  14. 14. In 1966, the Miranda rights mentioned two rights and one warning. What were they?
  15. 15. In the 1968 movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, what is the model number of the HAL computer?
  16. 16. In 1963, what were the most popular boys’ and girls’ names in the US?
  17. 17. Which two candidates appeared in the first televised presidential debate?
  18. 18. In 1967, the BBC banned which Beatles song, for allegedly referring to drugs?
  19. 19. What does the acronym SALT stand for, as in the SALT I treaty between the USA and USSR?
  20. 20. What controversial drug was introduced in 1960?
Space Odyssey
Image source: PHYS.org


  1. 1. Jack Weinberg
  2. 2. Chevrolet Corvair
  3. 3. 101 Dalmatians
  4. 4. Belgium
  5. 5. Yuri Gagarin
  6. 6. Pope Paul VI
  7. 7. Dick Sargent and Dick York
  8. 8. Togo, Central African Republic, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Benin, Chad and Mauritania
  9. 9. Sirhan Sirhan in Los Angeles
  10. 10. Apollo 11 – Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, Michael Collins
  11. 11. The Cavern Club
  12. 12. Maddox
  13. 13. TaB
  14. 14. Right to remain silent and to an attorney. Anything said could be used against you.
  15. 15. 9000
  16. 16. Michael and Lisa
  17. 17. Kennedy and Nixon
  18. 18. A Day in the Life
  19. 19. Strategic Arms Limitations Talks
  20. 20. The birth control pill.
Image source: Wikipedia